
Welcome to Year 5 and 6

Class teacher - Mr Murphy 
Teaching assistants -  Mrs Palmer and Mrs Binney
This term we are exploring the questions:
Humanities - How can we limit climate change?
Science - Where do we belong in the animal kingdom?
RE - Where do Hindus worship?

 "It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." 
― Albus Dumbledore

Follow us on Twitter @CaythorpeSchool

The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.

Whole class Reading - We teach the skills of reading through a whole class reading session using high-quality and challenging texts, which are dissected by the class through high-level questioning and discussion. Texts are usually linked to an aspect of the curriculum children are currently learning. 

Individual Reading -  At Caythorpe, we strive to develop a reading for pleasure culture. In Key Stage Two, children use the Accelerated Reader Program. A student reads a book, takes an online quiz at school, and gets immediate feedback. Students respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills. Children have an opportunity to quiz and change their reading books regularly.

Reading is a great way to occupy your time and develop your imagination. Children should be reading at least 15 minutes per day and also be sharing a book, ideally at bedtime, with an adult. Once children have read the book, encourage them to answer questions about the characters and their feelings or even write a book review. Please sign your child's reading diary as Dojos can be earned.

Oxford Owl - Oxford Owl is an award-winning free website. It’s packed with up to date expert advice, top tips and activity ideas, so you can support your child’s reading and maths at home in the best possible way. The site also has 250 free e-books which are also tablet friendly.

We believe every child can do maths. At Caythorpe we follow the White Rose scheme of work. The scheme follows a journey to mastery approach. It would take several years to master addition, so what we do is break the journey down into small steps, spending time carefully considering each. Through intelligent practice and building up experience of different contexts, gradually we move towards mastery where pupils are fluent in the unfamiliar and can apply their skills in any new situation.

What to do if your child says "I hate Maths!" A helpful video
As a school we subscribe to Times Table Rock Stars. We encourage children to play daily accessing using their username and password (available from your class teacher). Become a Rock God or Goddess, challenge your friends to a rock slam and watch out for tournaments set by your class teachers!
PSHCE and Well-Being
Please see below five factsheets for parents and practitioners with the aim of providing information by using trauma awareness about children's and adult's emotional behaviour: You may access the full Rockpool website via the link.
  • This is a link takes you to a really nice video that the whole family can watch – you can even make the ‘Glitter jars’ if you have the right stuff.
Free parent resources - supporting your child's well being through Corona Virus. From the Clear Sky - a children's charity. Play & Creative Arts Therapy creates a safe environment for children who are having difficulties to explore and express themselves through the language of play.

You can also find more information in the download section at the bottom of the page including the DFE helpline and appendix to our Safeguarding policy regarding COVID19 ( available to download below).

This term in PSHE, we will be focusing on taking care of our mental health, online communities, strategies to deal with emotions and judging whether something online is safe and helpful to me.

This year, all of Hogwarts will be completing swimming up until the end of the Autumn term. 
Please can you make sure that the chlildren bring in their swimming kits every Monday making sure that they have:
- Swimming costume (one piece for girls and tight swimtrunks for boys)
- Goggles
-Swim hats (baby/talcum powder helps to make sure that the hat doesn't stick together)
Our other PE session is led by our Carres Coach Mr Tear on Tuesday afternoon. 
Please can your child keep a named PE kit in school all week (dark shorts and/or jogging bottoms, a white T-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.) If the weather is fine, PE may take place outdoors so please make sure your child has an outdoor kit. Please can you also ensure that all items of school clothing are named to prevent any mix-ups at the end of the day. 

Connect with the class with Class Dojo

We are using Class Dojo to connect with parents and share photos and videos of all of the wonderful things that take place in school. Any parent can connect with their child’s class story and send in any work/pictures that they children want to share. You can download the Apple App or Android App on your phone or tablet or visit the website.


Children will be given homework linked to their topic every term. The children will be given an option of completing a creative and/or research task that they will then present to the class at the end of the topic.
Our homework challenges are designed to develop and extend your child’s understanding and enjoyment of the topic they are learning about in school. They are cross curricular, covering a range of subjects to enable children to succeed at their own level and demonstrate their own strengths.

Internet Safety

It is of the utmost importance that we make the Internet a safe place for children. We teach our pupils, not only about the wonders of the online world, but also the dangers associated with it and what they can do to be safe when they are online. Here are some top tips, advice and guidance to help keep your child safe online.

Useful Links and Online Games to support learning.

ICT Games - A great range of online numeracy and literacy games to practice specific skills.

Follow us on Twitter @CaythorpeSchool or @CaythorpeSport