E-Safety Workshops


9th November 2023

On Tuesday we welcomed Emma from the Lincolnshire Stay Safe Partnership. Emma led age appropriate and inclusive workshops across the school.

Narnia found out what information about yourself you should never share and what is safe to share with friends. Neverland identified issues online that they may experience which require them to ask for support. They created “hands of safety” of people they could go to if they need help.


An important aspect of Year 5's workshop was to show the children strategies for keeping safe online, including how to manage requests for personal information or images of themselves and others. They were also reminded of what to do if frightened or worried by something seen or read online and how to report concerns, inappropriate content and contact

Year 6 workshop enabled children to gain a greater awareness of how social media content can negatively impact on our identity and self-esteem.



#nurturinghearts #inspiringminds