Year 6 Leavers


19th July 2024

Farewell to Year 6


This time of year is always bitter sweet. We have our transition days and welcome our new September pupils in ready for the next Autumn term. But we also have to say farewell to our Year 6 pupils. We are so proud of our Year 6 pupils, particularly how they have responded to their reception buddies. The children will be taking home photos to remember them by.


As part of their end of year and finishing their SATs treat, the children went bowling and enjoyed pizza, kindly donated by Mr Broderick and The Little Italy Pizza Company.


The children entertained the school and parents with their memories of their time at Caythorpe, a thoughtful poem and an inspiring song “Wavin’ Flag.”

We also discovered a series of pranks they played on the staff! I wondered who had put that salt in my tea! But don’t worry, we have released Miss Wright from the cleaning cupboard.

We feel they are ready for the next stage of their journey as they move onto their respective secondary schools.


We wish them all the best for their future.

#nurturing hearts #inspiringminds