

29th January 2021

KS1 have been busy gardening this week. They have cleared up all the leaves that have fallen off the trees using rakes, weeded the sensory garden and pruned back the bushes, trees and strawberry plants. Mrs Watson taught them all about the difference between flowers and weeds.

They have cleared up all the leaves that have fallen off the trees using rakes, weeded the sensory garden and pruned back the bushes, trees and strawberry plants. Mrs Watson taught them all about the difference between flowers and weeds.

Whilst outside they also loved listening to the birds tweeting in the trees. They enjoyed gardening so much they have asked Miss Cook to start a gardening club so that they can grow vegetables to eat and cook. The children also suggested setting up an outdoor library where they can sit and relax, and enjoy sharing books. Miss Cook thought that their ideas were amazing and she is getting plans in place already!