Happy retirement, Mrs Madge


19th July 2024

After over 26 years of holding the fort at the front of school at Caythorpe Primary School, Mrs Madge has made the decision to hang up her keyboard to retire. I wonder how many times Mrs Madge has walked up and down the corridors to give a message or drop of a forgotten lunchbox or school jumper?


Mrs Madge is so efficient in ensuring newsletters, letters and school orders are sent on time. As her mug states, Mrs Madge is “practically perfect receptionist.” It’s time for her to spend more of her time with her family and friends, and particularly her young grandchildren.


We had a tea party to say goodbye with staff members from the past invited to say a fond farewell in appreciation of all she has done for the school. We shall miss her immensely, but wish her well in her retirement and spending more time with her family.